Thank you for your application and pledge commitment to be a part of the COGENCE Emerging Leaders group that will strive to change the construction industry to produce better project outcomes and efficiencies. The objective of this program is to provide the emerging leaders in the design and construction industry the knowledge to understand the value of transforming our industry while empowering them to promote change that will lead to this transformation. We will provide them a voice to contribute and lead these changes by developing their core skills, expand networking options, and associating with cross market industry leadership, which all expands their business horizons. We are seeking representatives from Owner, Architectural, Engineering, Construction Management, Trade Contractors, and Affiliate Industry organizations who share the same passion to transform the construction industry. As a member of the COGENCE Emerging Leader program there is an expected level of commitment that is required, we require your commitment pledge as part of the application process. I, recognizing the important responsibility I am undertaking in being a COGENCE Emerging Leader, herby pledge to carry out in trustworthy and diligent manner, the duties and obligations enumerated below while actively meeting the expectations of the program. As a COGENCE Emerging Leader, I pledge to: Be part of the COGENCE Emerging Leader program for three (3) years, with the expectation of becoming a Partner of the COGENCE Alliance at the conclusion of the three years if there is an open seat in your industry group. Attend a minimum of five (5) events each year. Come to each event fully engaged and ready to develop themselves into an industry leader. Serve on a committee or taskforce as determined by the COGENCE Emerging Leader Program. Act as a faithful agent of the COGENCE Emerging Leader Program and COGENCE Alliance and avoid the promotion of special interest of my company to those of the Alliance. Work cooperatively with other members to ensure the COGENCE Emerging Leaders Program and COGENCE Alliance are well managed to meet their goals and objectives. If for any reason, I find myself unable to fulfill the above commitments, I agree to resign my position within the COGENCE Emerging Leader Program. I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the COGENCE Emerging Leader Expectations and Commitment Pledge and the Antitrust Policy Summary.Emerging Leader's Name(Required) First Last Company Name(Required)Email(Required) Chapter(Required) Northeast Ohio Central Ohio Southwest Ohio Signature(Required)CAPTCHA