In roundtable discussions, Partners engage in open conversations about topics that are critical to project success, such as project delivery innovations and proven best practices. Programs provide a forum where Partners can compare experiences, present case studies, and share their perspectives on the opportunities and challenges of our industry.
Currently, participation in programs is reserved to COGENCE Partners. Program outcomes are shared here on the COGENCE website.
As we move forward, we anticipate holding outreach programs to create more opportunities for learning and conversation.
The February 2025 Southwest Ohio Chapter Roundtable topic was: Building the “Right” Team
- Building on November’s panel discussion on “Best Practices and Emerging Trends for Healthcare Projects”, participants shared and explored ways to secure the “Right” team.
- Breakout sessions explored topics related to
- Great Design Team: How do Owners, Designers and Contractors build rapport to create a great design team?
- Contract Strategies: What contract strategies (project delivery method + types of contract) promote building a great team … and why?
- Preferred Behaviors: What are the behaviors that can lead to building a “great team” or destroying a “great team?”
- Team in Trouble: How do you determine a team is in trouble? What can you do when a team is in trouble?
- The presentation, audience polling, and breakout slides may be seen here: SWO February 2025 Roundtable Presentation and Summary
- Contact Kevin Thompson at with questions.
- At our January 2025 Roundtable we were thrilled to welcome Amy Taylor President, Downtown Columbus, Inc., and Amanda Hoffsis CEO, Campus Partners; Vice President, Planning, Architecture and Real Estate, The Ohio State University to share thoughts and insights about existing and future opportunities associated with P3s and why they matter to our COGENCE constituency.
- Participants learned the latest about the major developments brewing at Carmenton, Downtown Columbus and Franklinton.
- This was the second in a series of roundtables focused on developers and Central Ohio development.
- Part 3 in the series will take a closer look at how the local A/E/C community can best serve and collaborate with developers
- View the presentation slides and participant feedback here: PPPs & Me slides and polling data
- Contact with questions
- At our November 21 Central Ohio Chapter Roundtable, a panel of real estate developers explained how typical development deals work; how the process of finding, securing, and execution is evolving, contractual arrangements, politics and more.
- A robust discussion relating to how the local design and construction community can work more synergistically with developers followed
- This was the first in a series of roundtables focused on developers and Central Ohio development. Part 2 in the roundtable series will take a look at Public-Private-Partnerships on January 16, 2025
- View the program description here: November 21 2024 Roundtable announcement v3
- Contact with questions
- November 2024 NEO Roundtable:Join us for an enlightening session where we will be having a roundtable discussion on public sector work, and more importantly, how the construction industry can better serve public sector clients. We will be discussing project delivery methodology as well as what Public Owners look for in partners, while sharing their thoughts on the Northeast Ohio region.
- Please see the attached details for the Cogence Program Invite_NEO_2024-1120.
- Contact with questions
The November 2024 Southwest Ohio Chapter Roundtable topic was: Emerging Trends and Best Practices for Design and Construction of Healthcare Projects
- Owners from four leading Southwest Ohio health care systems served on a panel to discuss the latest trends, challenges, and best practices in project delivery, while answering questions from a diverse audience of designers, constructors, trade contractors and affiliated professionals.
- The presentation and Mentimeter polling slides may be seen here: SWO November 2024 Roundtable Presentation and Summary
- Contact Kevin Thompson at with questions.
The August 2024 Southwest Ohio Chapter Roundtable topic was: Project Decisions Forced Early: Making Them “Stick” and Avoiding Calamities
- Generic project life-cycles and key decisions for Built-Environment projects were presented.
- Audience polling revealed that nearly 80% of projects are forced to go “faster”. Reasons for why owners want to accelerate projects and the related problems that often result were surveyed. What decisions need to be made earlier? How to avoid calamities?
- The presentation and breakout slides may be seen here: SWO Aug 24 Roundtable Presentation and Summary
- Contact Kevin Thompson at with questions.
The August 2024 Southwest Ohio Chapter Roundtable topic was: Project Decisions Forced Early: Making Them “Stick” and Avoiding Calamities
- Generic project life-cycles and key decisions for Built-Environment projects were presented.
- Audience polling revealed that nearly 80% of projects are forced to go “faster”. Reasons for why owners want to accelerate projects and the related problems that often result were surveyed. What decisions need to be made earlier? How to avoid calamities?
- The presentation and breakout slides may be seen here: SWO Aug 24 Roundtable Presentation and Summary
- Contact Kevin Thompson at with questions.
- At our July 18 Central Ohio Chapter Roundtable, a draft version of the deliverable created by participants of our series of roundtables – each focusing on a different delivery method – was shared with participants.
- The deliverable summarizes the remarkable insights and commentary gained through our four-part Project Delivery Method series.
- Participants were split into breakout groups to discuss and debate which project delivery method was most suitable for different hypothetical projects. This led to a robust discussion as to what is the “BEST” delivery method.
- The Chapter’s Program Committee gave a panel presentation at the 2024 Cogence Town Hall entitled “What is the BEST Project Delivery Method”.
- Panelists explained the process that culminated in the deliverable, key risks and mitigation strategies, how to utilize the deliverable to consider which project delivery method to use, and answer the question of whether any particular project delivery method is the best.
- View the deliverable here: Cogence Central Ohio Project Delivery Methods Tool
- Contact with questions
- At our July 2024 NEO Roundtable we gathered at Rid-All Farms discussed Diverse Teams, Profitable Results: The Business Case for Inclusion.
- We unveiled the financial dynamics behind how designers and contractors thrive, offering a transparent look at their profit strategies. Discussed a case study, working through real-life scenarios to understand how valued contributions from diverse team members drive equitable profits. Learned actionable insights and witnessed firsthand how inclusive teams enhance financial success.
- Please see the attached COGENCE NEO Presentation 2024-07-10 (PDF).
- Contact with questions
The June 2024 Southwest Ohio Chapter Roundtable topic was: Developing Natural Laws for Great Construction Projects
- The program begin with a look at what ChatGPT lists as the 12 Natural Laws for Project Success
- Utilizing Mentimeter attendees ranked these laws in order of importance to their projects
- Small group breakouts created their own Top “Laws” for project success, adding laws not identified by AI and ranking their top 3
- The presentation and breakout slides may be seen here: SWO Roundtable 6 Jun 24 Program Summary
- Contact Kevin Thompson at with questions.
- At our May 2024 NEO Roundtable we looked at the private sector development challenges and the construction industry partnerships. We engaged in small groups to discuss the challenges and what we can do as an industry to breakdown the challenges.
- Survey/Breakout session
- Please see the attached COGENCE NEO Presentation 2024-05-15 (PDF) and the Breakout Session comments / Mentimeter Survey Results (PDF).
- Contact with questions
- At our April roundtable will shifted gears and focused on the Cleveland Guardians renovations project. The roundtable included representation from project ownership, construction and design partners and discussed:
- 1.Vision at the beginning with the Guardians and goals for the project
- 2.Process for the design phase and working collectively as an integrated team
- 3.Process for the construction team and integration
- 4.Community Impact throughout all phases and beyond
- 5.Project successes, challenges, and overall team chemistry/relationships
- We hope that this these renovations bring us home to that field of dreams we’ve been chasing since 1948.
- For a copy of the presentation please contact
The April 2024 Southwest Ohio Chapter Roundtable topic was: Dealing with Scarce Resources on Your Project
- Learning objectives included:
- Understanding scarcity issues as design evolves and scope decisions are made;
- Tactics to consider when construction labor shortages are predicted;
- Sharing knowledge of current material scarcity and ways to cope with them;
- General “think tank” of possible new approaches.
- Attendees had the opportunity to earn 1 AIA-approved learning unit
- The presentation and breakout slides may be seen here: SWO Cogence Roundtable Slides April 2024
- Contact Kevin Thompson at with questions.
- At our March 21 Central Ohio Chapter Roundtable, Larry Arndt and Shannon Brokenshire from Barton Malow shared insights and experiences working on projects utilizing IPD contracts, as well as projects utilizing IPD principles (albeit without an IPD contract).
- Jack Baumann, Independence Construction, shared how IPD principles are being utilized in the absence of an IPD contract in renovating the iconic Cleveland Guardians ballpark.
- View the Barton Malow presentation here: IPD Cogence Presentation – BM
The Roundtable was part 4 of our 4-part series to explore the pros and cons of each delivery method, and learn about opportunities for positive change in how your next project is delivered.
- The comprehensive list of challenges and strategies to overcome them for all 4 project delivery methods will be published and shared with Cogence Partners.
- Contact with questions
The February 2024 Southwest Ohio Chapter Roundtable topic was: Communicate for Project Success
- Tommie Jo Brode from Venice Solutions Group was the guest speaker
- Communication best practices across each lifecycle phase of a project were explored
- Learning objectives included:
- Learn or gain a better appreciation of the formal and informal communications that need to occur properly in each phase of a construction project to enhance its ultimate success;
- For common modes of communication that can be used during the project, learn better or best approaches to make them most effective and use them to build a spirit of trust, collaboration, and motivation within the extended project team; and
- Learn or gain a better appreciation of barriers that can cause a breakdown in effective communication within a project team and how to remove these barriers.
- Attendees had the opportunity to earn 1 AIA-approved learning unit
- The presentation and breakout slides may be seen here: SWO Roundtable Cogence Feb24 Deliverable Rev1
- Contact Kevin Thompson at with questions.
- At our January 18 Central Ohio Chapter Roundtable, James Miller, Administrator Design & Construction, City of Columbus Recreation & Parks, shared insights about why Design-Bid-Build is a delivery method of choice.
- Breakout groups discussed and developed comprehensive lists of challenges associated with D-B-B, and then developed strategies to overcome these challenges.
- View the presentation here: CRPD-Cogence DBB Presentation
The Roundtable was part 3 of our 4-part series to explore the pros and cons of each delivery method, and learn about opportunities for positive change in how your next project is delivered.
- At the next roundtable on March 21, we’ll follow the same process for Integrated Project Deliver (IPD)
- The comprehensive list of challenges and strategies to overcome them for all 4 project delivery methods will be published following part 4 (IPD) in the series.
- Contact with questions
- At our January 2024 NEO Roundtable we took a moment to reflect on the past, then turned our sights to the future as we worked together to Inspire and Engage in our collective mission to transform our industry. We worked in small groups to tackle identified issues and worked to find resolutions that we can enact to continue to grow and shape Cogence NEO.
- Please see the attached COGENCE NEO Presentation 2024-0117 (PDF).
- Contact with questions
- At our November 16 Central Ohio Chapter Roundtable, Alex Trevino, Director, Office of Capital Improvements, Columbus City Schools, shared insights about why Design-Build is a delivery method of choice.
- Breakout groups discussed and developed comprehensive lists of challenges associated with D-B, and then developed strategies to overcome these challenges.
- View the presentation here: CCS-Cogence DB Presentation 2023-11-16 TAT
The Roundtable was part 2 of our 4-part series to explore the pros and cons of each delivery method, and learn about opportunities for positive change in how your next project is delivered.
- In the months ahead, we’ll follow the same process for Design-Bid-Build (January 18, 2024) and IPD (March 21, 2024).
- The comprehensive list of challenges and strategies to overcome them for all 4 project delivery methods will be published following part 4 (IPD) in the series.
- Contact with questions
- At our November 2023 NEO Roundtable Debbie Beebe and Kathie Krozser from Oswald presented “Risks” in our industry. We discussed a Design Build case and broke into small groups examine the case. The small groups then reported out their findings which were very similar to the original outcome of the case.
- Partners earned 2 AIA/CES LU PDH and HSW credits
- Please see the attached COGENCE Presentation 2023-11-15 (PDF).
- Contact with questions
The November 2023 Southwest Ohio Chapter Roundtable topic was: Overcoming Headwinds in Uncertain Times Together: Focus on Project Cost
- In this last of a 4-part series of exploring challenges to key project goals, the roundtable concentrated on Project Cost
- The audience was surveyed using Mentimeter polling software to determine the specific areas for the breakout sessions
- Breakout groups discussed and reported on the topics of: Managing the Golden Triangle of Project Goals; Cost Contingency Best Practices; and What Does it Take To Prepare a Reliable Cost Estimate
- A diverse panel of experts interacted and shared their experiences during the debriefing of each group’s topic
- The presentation slides may be seen here: SWO Roundtable Presentation Slides 11-14-23 (PDF).
- The Breakout group reports may be seen here: SWO Project Cost Group report outs 11-14-23 (PDF).
- Contact Kevin Thompson at with questions.
- At our September 21 Central Ohio Chapter Roundtable, Michelle Malone (Senior Director of Projects) and Loren Brockway (Senior Director/Chief of Staff – Facilities Design & Construction), The Ohio State University, shared insights about why CMR is a delivery method of choice for certain projects.
- Breakout groups discussed and developed comprehensive lists of challenges associated with CMR, and then developed strategies to overcome these challenges.
- View the presentation here: OSU-Cogence CMr Presentation 2023-09-21 (PDF)
The Roundtable kicked-off our 4-part series to explore the pros and cons of each delivery method, and learn about opportunities for positive change in how your next project is delivered.
- In the months ahead, we’ll follow the same process for Design Build (November 16, 2023), Design Bid Build (January 18, 2024) and IPD (March 21, 2024). Maximum benefit will be realized by attending every series installment, or as many as you can!
- Contact with questions
- At our September 2023 NEO Roundtable we heard from Cleveland Council President Blaine Griffin and Tyson Mitchell on the new City of Cleveland – Community Benefits Ordinance (CBO).
- Cuyahoga Council President Pernel Jones, Jr. joined the conversation and gave our Partners an overview of what is happening around the county.
- Cogence Partner Carter Edman provided an update on upcoming projects and investments by the City of Cleveland.
- Please see the attached COGENCE Presentation 2023-09-20 (PDF).
- Contact with questions
The September 2023 Southwest Ohio Chapter Roundtable topic was: Overcoming Headwinds in Uncertain Times Together: Focus on Quality
- The audience was surveyed using the Mentimeter audience polling software to gain perspectives related to quality goal-setting including reliability, maintainability, sustainability and aesthetics.
- Better practices to define and communicate quality expectations, design efforts to ensure quality, selection of project delivery methods to attain the quality expectations, and lessons learned from recent project experiences were captured.
- A panel of experts shared their experiences in relation to the survey results.
- This was the third in a 4-part series that will cover Project Cost in the final roundtable series on November 14.
- The presentation slides may be seen here: SWO Cogence Roundtable Slides 9-19-23 (PDF).
- The Mentimeter survey results may be seen here: The Roundtable Poll Results 9-19-23 (PDF).
- Contact Kevin Thompson at with questions.
- At our July 20 Central Ohio Chapter Roundtable, Jeff Appelbaum, Thompson-Hine, LLP provided an overview of the four predominant Project Delivery Methods. Different owners may have their own reasons for favoring a particular project delivery method – but, between the four predominant methods (Construction Manager at Risk, Design Build, Design-Bid-Build, and Integrated Project Delivery), is there one that’s best?
This presentation took a deeper dive into each delivery method, and we learned that the ”best” method depends on the nature of the project and a variety of other factors.
- View the presentation here: Project Delivery Systems 2023-07-20 (PDF)
The Roundtable kicked-off our 4-part series to explore the pros and cons of each delivery method, and learn about opportunities for positive change in how your next project is delivered.
- In the months ahead, we’ll follow the same process for CMR (September 21, 2023), Design Build (November 16, 2023), Design Bid Build (January 18, 2024) and IPD (March 21, 2024). Maximum benefit will be realized by attending every series installment, or as many as you can!
- Contact with questions
- At our July 2023 NEO Roundtable we discussed “Mental Health in the Construction Industry”.
- Over the past few years, we have lived and worked through a pandemic, generational and staffing changes, project schedule compression, alternative and remote work arrangements, as well as varying levels of stress within our nation and the Construction Industry. This roundtable session reviewed where we are as an Industry as well as learn more about what organizations are doing to help create a better work environment.
- Please see the attached COGENCE Presentation 2023-07-19 (PDF), the Cogence A-3 on Mental Health (PDF), and Breakout Session Notes (PDF) from our July 2023 Roundtable.
- Contact with questions
The July 2023 Southwest Ohio Chapter Roundtable topic was: Overcoming Headwinds in Uncertain Times Together: Defining & Clarifying the Scope
After hearing their perspectives regarding scope from an Owner, Engineer, and Construction Manager, participants broke into small groups to discuss:
- Developing / Communicating Scope
- Scope Control
- Dealing with Unknown Scope
This was the second in a 4-part series that will cover Quality and Cost in upcoming Roundtables.
The SWO Roundtable Presentation Slides 2023-07 (PDF) may be seen here. A summary of the small group discussions can be seen at the following link SWO Roundtable Summary 2023-07 (PDF).
Contact Kevin Thompson at with questions.
- The May 2023 Southwest Ohio Chapter Roundtable topic was: Overcoming Headwinds in Uncertain Times Together: Project Schedule
- Roundtable participants broke into small groups and used a collaborative SWOT approach to share current strengths and weaknesses, forecast future opportunities and threats, and develop recommendations related to project schedule. This was the first in a 4-part series that will cover Scope, Cost, and Quality in upcoming Roundtables.
- Highlights from the small group discussions can be seen here: Cogence SWO May 2023 Roundtable notes FINAL (PDF)
- Contact Kevin Thompson at with questions.
- At our May 2023 NEO Roundtable we discussed the shift to early and multiple bid packages and the affect it has on projects. The key speakers represented each segment of our industry and a robust discussion was had. Following the first portion of the discussion our Partners broke into small groups to identify how to address this shift in procurement.
- A pre-survey was sent to the Partnership to collect questions on the areas they had the most concern and wanted to discuss during the roundtable Pre-Survey Results (PDF)
- Please see the attached COGENCE Presentation 2023-05-17 (PDF) and May 17, 2023 Notes (PDF) from our May 2023 Roundtable.
- Contact with questions
- Our March 2023 Southwest Roundtable topic was Making Lean Principles and Tools Work for Your Entire Team. This session explored better ways to apply lean principles and tools to make your project and organization more effective, with a special focus on collaboration in applying efforts.
- Please see the attached Cogence SWO Chapter March 2023 Presentation (PDF)
- Contact with questions.
- Our March 2023 NEO Roundtable focused on Diversity: Perspective and Partnership. We heard from diverse business owners and learned firsthand about some of the challenges/obstacles they are faced with. Following the discussion our Partners broke into small groups and worked on finding opportunities to help further our partnerships with diverse firms.
- Prior to the Roundtable we sent out a Survey to all NEO Partners to gather additional insight into their interactions with diverse firms. You can view the results in excel format Here (Excel)
- Please see the attached DEI A3 Summary (PDF) and Notes (PDF) from our March 2023 Roundtable
- Contact with questions
- Our January 2023 NEO Roundtable focused on Collaborative Project Delivery. Our speakers included, Jeff Appelbaum of PMC / Thompson Hine, Pen Wolf of Cleveland Clinic, and Patti Choby of The Cobalt Group. They discussed the benefits and some of the inhibitors of IPD project delivery method. We also heard from Carter Edman, City Architect for the City of Cleveland.
- Please see the attached COGENCE Presentation (PDF) from our January 2023 roundtable
- Contact with questions
- Our January 2023 Southwest Roundtable topic was Key to CAPEX Leadership
- Please see the attached Cogence Alliance SWO Chapter January 2023 Roundtable Presentation
- Contact with questions.
- Our November 2022 NEO Roundtable focused on Leadership Transition. Our speakers included: Carter Edman, City of Cleveland; Sandra Madison, Robert P. Madison International; Andrew Clark, R.W. Clark Co.; Jennifer Kalin, RE Warner. The discussion was centered on transitioning among leaders and the planning or lack of that surrounds the process.
- Please see the attached COGENCE Presentation (PDF) from our November 2022 roundtable
- Contact with questions
- Our October 2022 Southwest Roundtable theme was Unite Design and Construction with Prefabrication.
- Please see the attached SW Ohio Cogence Presentation – Oct 2022 from our October roundtable.
- Contact with questions.
Powering the Transformation of Project Delivery
Town Hall 2022 Co-Create
- September 27th – 28th, 2022 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center (Columbus, Ohio)
- Join your colleagues in the design and construction community as we delve into the Transformation of Project Delivery.
- Day 1 events will include Keynote Speaker, Lars Johansson (CoverMyMeds). With four program tracks in the afternoon covering:
- Emergence: AI and the Why; Technology Start-Up; AI and Machine Learning Tools for Project and Safety Outcomes
- Core COGENCE: Risks 2022; Design Assist; Keys to Project Success
- Leadership & DEI: Culture First!; Mentorship and Empowering the Next Leader
- (Public) Project Delivery: projects TBA; Supply Chain and Procurement
- Following the first day event, all attendees are invited to a reception and tour of the new Columbus Crew Soccer field ( Field)
- Day 2 events will include Project Delivery Legal Update facilitated by Jeff Appelbaum, Thompson Hine LLP;
- Are we successful?; Emergence Focus; Project Spotlights (Private and Public); Why we were successful
- Best Practices of Collaborative Project Delivery
- Drive Awards presentations
- All are welcome! To register visit the Cogence Town Hall page.
- Speakers Matt Danis, Shook Construction, Rachele Hill, Osborn Engineering, and Brad Berkowitz, The Whiting-Turner Co. who are members of the construction industry spoke on the current issues surrounding the workforce and ways to retain them. Rep. Addison of the 9th District in NEO spoke on DEI and government programs. Presentation was followed by a Q&A session.
- Please see the attached COGENCE Presentation (PDF) from our NEO roundtable.
- Panel of industry and government partners involved in Infrastructure, followed by a Q&A session. Our speakers included: Ahmed Abonamah, City of Cleveland; Michael Ciammichella, The Ruhlin Company; and, Avery Pierson & Josh Prest of Sen. Rob Portman’s office.
- Please see the attached COGENCE Presentation (PDF) from our NEO roundtable.
- This event will take a close look at the current state of the Supply Chain and provide information that is critical to all the current and upcoming projects to help you better prepare for some of the ‘curve balls’ that are headed our way. Speakers included: Michael Mammone, Mars Electric; Orli Perez, NV5; Ross Mitchell, TH Martin; Stan Hendricks, Gilbane Building Company; and, Dean Vaughn, Sodexo/University Hospitals.
- The presentation will include research data from the AGC on the current state of the supply chain, a presentation from Michael Mammone, Mars Electric on disruption between manufacturing and distribution, and a panel discussion.
- March 2022 NEO presentation (PDF)
- Looking at the Lessons Learned from 2021
- Speakers: Matt Janiak, DLR Group; Aaron Lobas, Karpinski Engineering; Tari Rivera, Regency Construction; Daniel Selhorst, The Albert M. Higley; Paula Selvaggio, Oswald Companies
- January 2022 NEO Presentation (PDF)
- As we continue to explore and discuss the Inflection Points of a project our final point looked at “Close-Out and Post-Occupancy”
- November 2021 NEO presentation (PDF)
- As we continue to explore and discuss the Inflection Points of a project we discussed “Changes in the Work” from each partners perspective. The partners broke into industry segments (Owner, Arch, Eng, CM/GC, Trade) and shared their thoughts on changes in the work within their segment.
- September 2021 NEO presentation (PDF)
The Central Ohio Cogence chapter has put together a panelist discussion program for the September their roundtable discussion on For Whom Do We Design & Build? Latest Trends in Occupant Wellness and Sustainability Thursday, September 16, 2021 (4:30pm-6:00pm) via Zoom. This Roundtable discussion is open to all.
Owner preferences, occupant well-being, and ecological demands may lead to greater opportunities for programs such as WELL, LEED, and the Living Building Challenge. Project delivery tactics and strategies are materially influenced by such programs, which are designed to promote occupant health, improve employee retention, reduce life cycle costs, and benefit the triple bottom line.
COGENCE proudly presents a panel of distinguished owners and professionals to discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by these programs, with a focus on project delivery elements, through the lens of several exemplary local/regional projects.
- Lars Johansson, Director, Campus Operations – CoverMyMeds
- Mike Bukach, Director, Employee Engagement – CoverMyMeds
- Alison Zajdel, Development Director – Cope Environmental Center
- Jessica Glorius-Dangelo, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP BD+C, WELL AP, LFA, Sustainability Coordinator – m+a architects
- Michael J. Berning, PE, CEM, LEED Fellow, Senior Principal, Chief Innovation Officer – Heapy
- Moderator: David M. Scott, LEED AP, Managing Partner – BMD
- GMP/Design Sign-off
- Our 2021 program theme of INFLECTION POINTS: The Moments that Determine the Course of a Project, we discussed the GMP/Design Sign-off discussion and “what it means” to each stakeholder.
- May 2021 NEO presentation (PDF)
- 2021 Inflection Point Series | The Start of Construction
- Stillwater Center at the Cleveland Metropark Zoo
- Our 2021 programming, we turn to a joint programming initiative with COGENCE NEOhio, with the theme of INFLECTION POINTS: The Moments that Determine the Course of a Project. We will begin with a discussion of project kick-off events. How, why, and when do we do them? What makes them successful, how should they be organized, who attends? We will get some lessons learned and opportunities to share our experiences.
- Brave Spaces – Building a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive future for the design & construction industry
- To remain relevant, the A/E/C and design professions must keep pace with the growing diversity of society, clients/owners, and building users. As an industry, we have much opportunity for improvement. Toward that end, COGENCE Alliance – Central Ohio welcomes renowned researcher/author/presenter Dr. Melissa Crum, to lead a workshop on how to establish “brave spaces” and foster greater diversity, equity, and inclusion in our workplace.
- Dr. Crum shared information about certain words and give a set of questions to breakout groups for discussion (e.g., Race, Power, White Supremacy, Privilege, Prejudice, Systemic & Structural Racism)
- Small groups broke out and discussed materials presented and then reported back and further discussed in the larger group
- She’ll then gave another set of words for breakout
- Again, groups broke out and reported back for more discussion
- One focus of our program was how to help people establish “brave spaces” (as opposed to “safe spaces” where nobody is uncomfortable) where tough but cathartic dialogue may happen, and with an emphasis on forgiveness, repair, understanding & accountability.
- In short, her workshop closely mirrors COGENCE’s typical program modality.
- Successful Project Kick-Off
- To start our 2021 program theme of INFLECTION POINTS: The Moments that Determine the Course of a Project, we will begin with a discussion of project kick-off events. How, why, and when do we do them? What makes them successful, how should they be organized, who addends? We will get some lessons learned and opportunities to share our experiences.
- March 2021 NEO presentation (PDF)
- Cogence Alliance hosted an on-line, four-day program, “Momentum,” Monday, February 8, 2021 through Thursday, February 11, 2021. Each session took place virtually and lasted approximately 90 minutes.
- Daily Event Schedule/Session Information CogenceAlliance-Momentum2021 (PDF)
- The program was FREE for Cogence Partners and Emerging Leaders. Non-Cogence members costs was $99.
- How is the design construction industry moving into the post-COVID world?
- A virtual partner roundtable experience that including facilitated breakout discussion groups
- Cogence Central Ohio Virtual Roundtable: COVID Jeopardy (PDF)
- As we continue to explore and discuss the Inflection Points of a project our final point looked at “Close-Out and Post-Occupancy”
- November 2021 NEO presentation (PDF)
- This one-hour webinar, titled, “From Hands-On to On-line,” will be a facilitated discussion with design construction industry executives to share emerging best practices and innovative ways in team selection and design & construction techniques—along with a perspective on the new liabilities it all may bring.
- Cogence Program 2020.05.13 (PDF)
- In our last two Roundtable discussions we identified the Products of project success, defined a Successful Project, and identified practices we put in place to ensure Project Success.
- This time our Cogence partners presented tools and resources that they have been developing that can be utilized in out upcoming projects. Responsibility Matrix, Owner Education Tools, Colocation, Push-Pull Planning, and Key Performance Indicators will be presented and discussed.
- Central OH Cogence_200130_Meeting6_Presentation Final ProjSuccess (PDF)
- We celebrated the start of our 5th year! Driving the industry together, our focus is to Inspire.Educate.Unite. Improve project outcomes. Right size risk. Optimize the whole.
- Creating connections to the future. We welcomed partners, new and existing and worked together to shape future focus of Cogence.
- We looked back on the impact connections have made on project delivery outcomes, value realized by partners, and where we have listened to our partners and made improvements.
- 2020 NEOH Roundtables will focus on Project Initiation. Enable success from the point of project inception. Our proposed topics for 2020 are:
- Project Delivery Type + Project Initiation Approach
- Step 1: The Cogence GMP Guidance (CMR Method)
- The RFP: Request for Partnership
- Competitive Procurement
- Creating Alignment with Scope and Budget
- Cogence Program 2020.01.08 (PDF)
- After identifying the Products of project success and defining a Successful Project, we continue our discussion on Project Success.
- What Practices are put in place to ensure Project Success? What Impediments to success do we allow to exist on our projects? Are these Practices and Impediments measurable?
- Central OH Cogence_191120_Meeting 5 Presentation Final with Resource (PDF)
Change our Industry – As change agents in COGENCE Companies, we are trying to drive lasting change in our industry. In this program we defined the standard of Waste Elimination we should all strive to follow.
Determine how to design changes into our companies operating philosophy – on specific Waste topics we have uncovered in the previous sessions.
The November 13th program finalizes the “Appreciative Inquiry” 5-D Cycle to “Design – what should be” and “Destiny – create what will be”.
The mission of Cogence is to drive the industry together and collectively improve project delivery.
- Now that we have finalized our investigation of risks throughout the construction process, we began a new discussion topic.
- What makes a project successful? Based on your recent projects, what are the common and consistent traits/characteristics that have led to the successes you’ve experienced?
- Central OH Cogence_190917_Meeting 4 Presentation Final (PDF)
- Research tells us that incorporating technology can increase productivity by 14%-16%. How? Creating a more efficient workflow, empowering teams to be transparent with opportunities and risks results in cost savings for all. Full integration is required to create the return and capitalize on the upfront investment. Learn how Cogence partners have been experiencing similar results.
- As Leaders, we need to create opportunity not obstacles for infusing technology into our work. RJ Reed, Director of Practice Innovation for Whiting-Turner, will engage us in a Choosing by Advantage workshop to illustrate our role in technology. We will conclude the session with a look into emerging technologies
- The mission of Cogence is to drive the industry together and collectively improve project delivery.
- Presentation: Cogence NEO_Strategic Advantage of Integrating Technology_Final_2019-0911 (PDF)
- Summary A3: Cogence NEO_A3_September 2019_Technology (PDF)
- We finalized our chapter’s discussion on risk by sharing thoughts and ideas at Cross-Functional tables, where we discussed how our actions affect the risk of our partners on a construction project and how their actions affect our own risks.
- We identified what habits we can each develop to mitigate the risk to our partners and to the project as a whole.
- Central OH Cogence_190717_RiskMeeting3 Presentation Final (PDF)
- Cogence Central OH_6DegreesofRisk_Part1 (PDF)
- Cogence Central OH_6DegreesofRiskOwner_Part2 (PDF)
- Cogence Central OH_6DegreesofRiskAffiliates_Part3 (PDF)
- Cogence Central OH_6DegreesofRiskCM_Part4 (PDF)
- Cogence Central OH_6DegreesofRiskTrades_Part5 (PDF)
- Cogence Central OH_6DegreesofRiskEngineers_Part6 (PDF)
- Cogence Central OH_6DegreesofRiskArchitects_Part7 (PDF)
- Cogence Central OH_6DegreesofRisk_Part 8_Final (PDF)
- This program follows the discovery session from the March program that investigated waste concerns in our industry using recognized waste form categorizes. That program organized our partners in their respective groups and challenged them to brainstorm on industry waste forms. These were compiled by their respective categories and voted to rank the most concerning.
- Attached is the full compilation of these waste concerns; an attempt to assign the influences: people, process or technology; and thematic relationship to project activity within our industry.
- The July 10th program will employ “Appreciative Inquiry” principles to “Dream what might be”. We will seek to find the root cause of success to influence positive change within the following themes through group dialogue and overall partner conversations.
- The mission of Cogence is to drive the industry together and collectively improve project delivery.
- Please contact Bonnie at for additional information
- Cogence July 2019 Program_Industry Waste (PDF)
- The mission of Cogence is to drive the industry together and collectively improve project delivery.
- The process of planning, scheduling, and proactively monitoring each phase of a project as it progresses is an important component that needs to be influenced on a collective dialogue with project stakeholders
- Such a process, including a focus on the management of risks inherent in resource limitations being encountered in many construction markets, provides a platform of trust and transparency that serves all project stakeholders with a toll to make timely business decisions relative to project modifications.
- If we are going to change how project teams deliver projects, then we need to drive a conversation setting a standard for a collaborative and transparent scheduling process that will eliminate the obstacles to this engagement.
- How to set expectations and deliver a Cogence Schedule process with the panel of our industry peers. Followed by an interactive portion on the proper timing of stakeholders on-boarding that sets the stage for successful collaborative planning.
- Cogence NEO Collaborative Scheduling Presentation Final (PDF)
- Cogence NEO Event Mtg Mins_2019-0508 (PDF)
- Our first meeting addressed risk. Risks are common among industry partners but the intensity and timing of impact on our business is different.
- During this highly engaging session, Partners worked in groups to correlate risk factors to the project timeline, identifying the intensity of the risk experienced.
- Central OH Cogence_190423_Meeting2_Presentation FInal (PDF)
- During our 2018 sessions, we discussed the risks we face, how these risks impact our business, and how we experience these risks over the lifespan of a project. Leadership, Management, Communication, and Quality Work were all identified as common risks, but these are also the keys to our success. Our greatest challenge to improving project outcomes is to recognize how to transform our risks into opportunities.
- During the April session, we hit the reset button to evaluate feedback from our Partners on the biggest issues important to them. We want to confirm that future Cogence NWOhio sessions align with our Partner’s interests. We want to know how Cogence NWOhio can help bring Owners, Design, and Construction Partners together to help on issues that keep you up at night.
- Northwest Ohio: Program Presentation April 2019 (PDF)
- Northwest Ohio: Meeting Minutes April 2019 (PDF)
- Cogence was founded on the basis that we collectively can improve project delivery in Northeast Ohio. The State of our Industry continues to be negatively influenced by our inability to collaborate, waste in our production system, and the resistance to engage technology. We have had two years of engaged dialogue surrounding collaboration, and now we need to determine our next topics of focus for Cogence to continue to influence our market.
- We had an ngaged conversation about the overarching topics of waste and innovation and how Cogence can provide solutions. Together we laid out the next two years of program content and the direction of Cogence NE Ohio Chapter.
- Northeast Ohio: Program Presentation March 2019 (PDF)
- Northeast Ohio: Meeting Minutes March 2019 (PDF)
- Our first COGENCE Alliance Central Ohio Chapter Roundtable Session topic addresses risk.
- Risk is a fact in our industry, and one that all of us share. And if we are going to work together toward an improved construction industry, with better project outcomes for all involved, we must begin by identifying risk from the unique perspective of the Owner, Architect, Engineer, Contractors, Trade Contractors, and Affiliated professionals
- Central Ohio: Program Presentation February 2019 (PDF)
- Central Ohio: Meeting Minutes February 2019 (PDF)
- Today’s workplace is radically different than it was even 20 years ago, and the impact of technology is not always for the better. There are now four generations of employees in the workplace, mashed together in a cauldron of constant change, distractions, and complexity.
- In this interactive workshop, author, speaker and business coach Kelly Riggs presents the most pressing leadership issues and offers specific approaches to dealing with the challenges of the new, technology-infected workplace.
- Cogence is sponsoring this event in place of the Northeast Ohio January Roundtable. Attendees do not need to be Cogence Partners or SMPS members to attend.
- To Register visit: SMPS Special Event: The Leadership Dilemma
- Event details: Tuesday, January 22, 2019, 11:30am – 1:30pm, The City Club, 850 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH
- The mission of Cogence is to drive the industry together, yet for so long we have delayed the engagement of all of the stakeholders.
- Thru our roundtables, collaboration is the common take-away. If we are going to change the market, then we need to drive a conversation that will expose the obstacles to early engagement and discuss how to overcome these obstacles. We must provide the stakeholders with talking points to have a dialogue on their projects to prove the value of early engagement.
- PANEL: Ron Ratner, RMS; Chip Marous, Marous; Sean McDermott, Cleveland Metroparks; Jeremy Bowers, Karpinski Engineering; Doug Berlekamp, Whiting-Turner
- Program 18 Cogence NEO 2018-11 Presentation (PDF)
- Program 18 Meeting Minutes and Early Engagement Survey Results (PDF)
- During our first sessions we discussed the risks we face, how these risks impact our business, and how we experience these risks over the lifespan of a project. Leadership, Management, Communication and Quality Work were all identified as common risks, but these are also the keys to our success. Our greatest challenge to improving project outcomes is to recognize how to transform our risks into opportunities.
- During this session, we shared the analysis of the risk data you provided during the June session. The data revealed Leadership as a risk category that peaks early in the project timeline. Together we identified some of the traits of Successful Leadership on a Project from each industry segment.
- Cogence NWO Presentation 2018-1017 Risks-Keys to Success with session results (PDF)
- Cogence NWO Event Meeting Minutes_2018-1017 (PDF)
- NWO Risky Times Summary June 2018 (PDF)
- During our previous session we explored the risks we face as an industry. At this session, we will develop a deeper understanding of when we face these risks and the impact they have on the project and our business. The mission of Cogence is to bring Owners, Architects, Engineers, Contractors, and affiliated professionals together to improve project delivery. Gaining an understanding of our collective risks, when we experience them, and how they impact the project and our business will improve project delivery.
- Below is the summarization of the work we did during this session and the meeting minutes
- NWO Risky Times Summary June 2018 (PDF)
- Cogence NWO Event Meeting Minutes_2018-0620 (PDF)
- The mission of Cogence is to drive the industry together, but inevitably the “F” word gets in the way.
- During this session, we exposed how fears manifest to failure, ultimately impacting the industry. We defined failure, exposed its impact, uncovered the collateral damage and planned solutions to turn failures into opportunities for success.
- Program 16 Cogence NEO 2018-0711 Presentation (PDF)
- Program 16 Cogence NEO Event Meeting Minutes (PDF)
- “Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort” – John Ruskin
- During this session, we will breakdown and define aspects of quality from an industry perspective. This work session is a critical step in developing the Cogence Quality Plan.
- Cogence NEO Presentation_2018-0509 w-Supporting Info
- Our 1st Partner Roundtable of 2018 will engage Owners, Architects, Engineers, and Construction professionals in a candid dialogue regarding design and construction project risk.
- A broad, unbiased understanding of our shared and unique risks is foundational to further exploration of successful project delivery. This roundtable is designed to build that understanding. Please join us, as your participation is vital to this discussion and to our shared mission.
- Cogence NWO Presentation 2018-0418 Session 01 (PDF)
- Cogence NWO Event Mtg Mins_2018-0418 (PDF)
- Cogence NWO Risks_2018-0418v1 (PDF)
- “Quality is everyone’s responsibility.” – W. Edwards Deming
- Quality is often discussed and expected. But what is Quality? Join us for the first of two sessions where our ultimate goal is to develop a set of ‘Cogence’ guidelines, both qualitative and quantitative in nature, that could be applied to each of our Partners.
- During this session, together through a guided discussion, we will define quality from the eyes of each segment of the industry, plus, identify how it is measured.
- Cogence NEO Presentation_2018-0314 w-Supporting Info
- We are excited to continue our team building conversation from the Cogence Town Hall event in November 2017. Ellen Burts-Cooper will be joining us to dive deeper into the importance and keys of building transformational teams.
- We will continue to Navigate the 7 Critical Attributes for Cohesion, Productivity and Resilience and challenge ourselves to learn more about the tools we need in our “team building toolbox” to further our mission of improving project outcomes through collaborative delivery methods.
- Cogence Program 13 2018-0110 (pdf)
- Establishing a GMP process in a collaborative manner has proven to be a relevant topic for all of us. When and how do we need to collaborate? During our last session, we began to develop an ideal flow for each of the three distinct phases of GMP development.
- The three distinct phases of GMP development are:
- Origination of the Project Budget
- Development and Documentation of Project
- Finalization of the Guaranteed Maximum Process
- Partners joined together to further define the steps during each phase of the GMP development process.
- See the attached document to see the work they have done to-date.
- Cogence Program 11 2017.09.13 (pdf)
- At our last session on Project Management, Cogence uncovered that there were many challenges and communication breakdowns associated with the GMP development process. Cogence has decided to extend the discussion to get to the bottom of the issues as well as hopefully develop a more clear and effective process.
- What is the CM’s normal development process?
- Do the owners have a good understanding of what drives the GMP?
- How do the trades view pricing based on the rest of the team already in place?
- Is the design team at the table when the GMP is finalized?
- These are just some of the questions and issues that we will explore and breakdown together as we go deeper and examine the issues and develop a Cogence solution to the GMP development process.
- This session continued the theme of the March session, project management. We focused on the challenges that project managers face on a CM at Risk project.
- Prior to the session, we surveyed Cogence Partners to identify those challenges. During the session, we worked together to identify possible solutions to each group’s challenges.
- View the Program Presentation to see the top 3 challenges identified by owners, architects, engineers, construction managers, and trades partners, along with proposed solutions.
- Some common threads that can help the entire project team: Collaborate (in the sense of active participation). Communicate. Early involvement. Educate. Create reliable expectations. Use time wisely.
- Program Presentation (PDF)
- During our last session, we discussed how collaboration can reduce financial risk. Strong project management has a direct link to achieving desired performance and financial outcomes.
- The most successful projects have a Project Manager who is empowered by their organization to develop a project team culture, which enables all team members to work together and succeed, while executing their craft at the highest level.
- At this program, we examined and developed ideas on how teamwork can reduce the risk of financial loss by discussing a scenario familiar to all: The budget is fixed, the scope is undefined, all of the team members are not engaged, but everything is moving full steam ahead…What would you do? Many have been in this situation and, while sensing impending risk, are hesitant to raise a voice of concern.
- After brief presentations of business models and risks, we had an interactive role-play session. Owners, designers, CMs, and trade contractors traded places to understand how early project actions and decisions affect the financial risk of other project team members. Each group listed the actions that project team members could take to mitigate their risk.
- We wrapped up with a discussion of the following three questions:
- What led to the situation?
- What could be done to manage risk?
- What could the project team do differently?
- Together, we gained understanding of our different business models and financial risks, identified why and how certain actions put us in a potential hardship position, but most importantly discussed how teams can reduce the financial risk for all.
- Program Presentation (PDF)
- Program Minutes (PDF)
Engage all. Transform outcomes. Win together.
- November 10, 2017 at the Global Center for Health Innovation (Cleveland, Ohio)
- Join your colleagues in the design and construction community to learn best practices that will transform outcomes, creating successful projects for all.
- To view the session summaries please go to 2017 Town Hall
- This session was a follow-up on the September session’s contract overview. The discussion focused on how contracts allocated risk, and it explored the consequences when risk is unfairly allocated. Common delivery methods were reviewed and their chief characteristics compared.
- Using a legal case, the risks associated with cost estimating were explained. This case study illustrated the standard of care to which professionals can be held when offering estimating services.
- The GMP process was identified as a common source of risk, as well as a source of dispute among project team members. COGENCE Partners engaged in a discussion of the issues surrounding the timing of the GMP and the failure of nearly all contracts to clearly define the level of information on which the GMP is to be based. A more detailed “facilitated” GMP approach was presented as a direction for more successful outcomes.
- Facilitated by a nationally recognized construction law attorney, the discussion began with the premise that when contractual terms and conditions are developed in a collaborative manner, each party has the opportunity to succeed. The session revealed that COGENCE partners, and national industry leaders, do not have an understanding of how certain contract clauses shift risk to an inappropriate team member.
- Seasoned industry professionals share a common misunderstanding of design responsibility, and so unknowingly shift and or accept significant project risk.
- Our contracting program provided an immediate understanding of negotiation tactics for all project participants around key topics such as design responsibility, extraordinary risks, delay and consequential damages, flow down provisions, and indemnification.
- Program Presentation
- Risks are common among industry partners but the intensity and timing of impact on our business is different. During this highly successful session, partners worked in groups to correlate the seven common risk factors to the project timeline identifying the intensity of the risk experienced.
- The analysis from this session concluded that there is a distinct cause and effect relationship between the level of the risk and the phase in which it is experienced.
- For a complete analysis of the root cause of risk please see here.
- For the Risk Timeline Data Set Statistical Analysis please see here.
- Program Presentation
- Developing positive communication habits among team members, and regularly measuring their effectiveness, is proven to improve project outcomes. The session explored communication best practices.
- Project culture is a primary determinant of effective communication and must be accurately monitored. COGENCE partners agree with Peter Drucker’s maxim: If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it. The session included communication development and measurement tools.
- Program Presentation
- Effective leadership, from start to finish, is a critical to the success factor in every design and construction project. Leadership has its greatest positive impact on a project when it is present, consistent, and engaged throughout the entire project timeline. Creating a project culture that aligns individual strengths with specific roles is a leader’s primary responsibility, and is crucial to achieving positive project outcomes.
- Learn the essential traits of effective Leadership on a design and construction project.
- Program Presentation
- When working on a project, you evaluate your own risks, but do you fully understand the risks your other team members are confronting? Starting together with an understanding of each other’s risk factors, can teammates be empowered to work together to mitigate risk and ultimately improve project outcomes?
- Learn how the Cogence Alliance answered these questions.
- Program Presentation