Welcome new COGENCE Alliance Partner. We would like to thank you for wanting to be part of a new alliance that would like to fundamentally change the construction industry to produce better construction project outcomes and efficiencies. The group’s purpose is: “To bring Owners, Architects, Engineers, Contractors, and Other Industry Affiliates together to advocate and be a resource for improved project delivery.” A fundamental principle of the Alliance is to have a balanced number of industry partner types as active Partners. We are seeking representatives from Owner, Engineering, Construction Management, Trade Contractors, and Affiliate Industry organizations who share the same passion to change the construction industry. As a Partner of the COGENCE Alliance there is an expected level of commitment that is required. I, recognizing the important responsibility I am undertaking in being a Partner of the COGENCE Alliance, herby pledge to carry out in trustworthy and diligent manner, the duties and obligations enumerated below while actively meeting the expectations of the Alliance. As a partner of the COGENCE Alliance, I pledge to: Establish as a high priority to be fully engaged and an active participant at regularly scheduled meetings/roundtables/events. Come to the Alliance meetings/roundtables/events prepared to discuss the issues related to promoting improved project delivery model. Serve on a committee or taskforce as determined by the Alliance. Act as a faithful Partner of the COGENCE Alliance and avoid the promotion of special interest of my company to those of the Alliance. Work cooperatively with other Partners to ensure COGENCE Alliance is well managed to meet its goals and objectives. If for any reason, I find myself unable to fulfill the above commitments, I agree to resign my Partnership in COGENCE Alliance. I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the COGENCE Alliance Partner Expectations and Commitment Pledge and the Antitrust Policy Summary.Partner's Name(Required) First Last Company Name(Required)Email(Required) Chapter(Required) Northeast Ohio Central Ohio Southwest Ohio Signature(Required)CAPTCHA