NEO Chapter
Founding Partner-Emeritus

Bostwick Design Partnership practices the art of architecture and the science of design, creating environments for medical, educational, and civic communities that advance well-being and knowledge.

Bostwick Design Partnership
2729 Prospect Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44115


Partner Contact

Robert Bostwick

President and Director of Design at Bostwick Design Partnership, an architecture firm with offices in Cleveland, OH, Fort Lauderdale, FL and Erie, PA. The firm specializes in the design of medical, educational, and library projects, creating facilities having a fine sense of detail and a unique identity. I am responsible for guiding the firm’s design direction and setting overall strategy. The firm emphasizes continuous innovation in both design and project delivery. I regularly consult with owners, contractors and consultants to cultivate progressive, team-based approaches to project execution and advocate for improved outcomes through advanced design service models. I have presented on the topic of commitment-based project delivery methods at major professional conferences throughout the country, and I’m also a member, and 2017 Chair, of the Leadership Group for the AIA Project Delivery Knowledge Community. Before establishing Bostwick Design Partnership, I was a Senior Associate with Cesar Pelli in New Haven, Connecticut. I received my Master of Architecture degree from Yale University and Bachelor of Arts from Bucknell University. While at Yale I was Associate Editor of Perspecta 24, Yale’s journal of architecture.

He is a Founding Board member of Cogence.

Team Development

  • Team Selection
  • Team Organization
  • Team Communication Methods