NEO: Early Engagement

  • The mission of Cogence is to drive the industry together, yet for so long we have delayed the engagement of all of the stakeholders.
  • Thru our roundtables, collaboration is the common take-away. If we are going to change the market, then we need to drive a conversation that will expose the obstacles to early engagement and discuss how to overcome these obstacles. We must provide the stakeholders with talking points to have a dialogue on their projects to prove the value of early engagement.
  • PANEL: Ron Ratner, RMS; Chip Marous, Marous; Sean McDermott, Cleveland Metroparks; Jeremy Bowers, Karpinski Engineering; Doug Berlekamp, Whiting-Turner
  • Program 18 Cogence NEO 2018-11 Presentation (PDF)
  • Program 18 Meeting Minutes and Early Engagement Survey Results (PDF)