SWO: Overcoming Headwinds in Uncertain Times Together: Focus on Project Cost

The November 2023 Southwest Ohio Chapter Roundtable topic was:  Overcoming Headwinds in Uncertain Times Together: Focus on Project Cost

  • In this last of a 4-part series of exploring challenges to key project goals, the roundtable concentrated on Project Cost 
  • The audience was surveyed using Mentimeter polling software to determine the specific areas for the breakout sessions
  • Breakout groups discussed and reported on the topics of:  Managing the Golden Triangle of Project Goals; Cost Contingency Best Practices; and What Does it Take To Prepare a Reliable Cost Estimate
  • A diverse panel of experts interacted and shared their experiences during the debriefing of each group’s topic
  • The presentation slides may be seen here: SWO Roundtable Presentation Slides 11-14-23 (PDF).
  • The Breakout group reports may be seen here:  SWO Project Cost Group report outs 11-14-23 (PDF).
  • Contact Kevin Thompson at kthompson@cogence.org with questions.