NEO: Realize the Strategic Advantage of Integrating Technology

  • Research tells us that incorporating technology can increase productivity by 14%-16%. How? Creating a more efficient workflow, empowering teams to be transparent with opportunities and risks results in cost savings for all. Full integration is required to create the return and capitalize on the upfront investment. Learn how Cogence partners have been experiencing similar results.
  • As Leaders, we need to create opportunity not obstacles for infusing technology into our work. RJ Reed, Director of Practice Innovation for Whiting-Turner, will engage us in a Choosing by Advantage workshop to illustrate our role in technology. We will conclude the session with a look into emerging technologies
  • The mission of Cogence is to drive the industry together and collectively improve project delivery.
  • Presentation: Cogence NEO_Strategic Advantage of Integrating Technology_Final_2019-0911 (PDF)
  • Summary A3: Cogence NEO_A3_September 2019_Technology (PDF)